25th November 2022

Having a baby? Take care of Mum first!

You’re pregnant! What an exciting time. You have a whole new chapter of your life to look forward to; and much to plan and prepare for. A little someone who will change your life in so many wonderful ways. A new life to welcome, love, cherish and nurture.

You want to do the best for your baby. But here’s the most important thing to remember: take care of yourself first. Being healthy and happy is best for you and your unborn or your newborn baby. If mums-to-be and new mums are in a good place physically, mentally and emotionally, then this is ideal for their little ones too.

Take time for yourself as you prepare for the adventure ahead. Read up and empower yourself with information to help you feel confident. You’ll probably come across the term, The First 1000 Days. This is a very important time for your baby’s future health and well-being and is mostly dependent on Mum’s physical and emotional health.

The First 1000 Days

Research has proven what we’ve known for centuries: that a pregnant woman’s health, nutrition and mental condition have an important effect on her unborn baby. That’s why pregnant women and nursing mothers are encouraged to eat well, exercise cautiously but regularly and stay happy and calm. 

The First 1000 Days refer to a child’s life from the moment they are conceived until they are 2 years old. This is when the brain, body and immune system grow and develop significantly. 

During this time, children are completely dependent on parents and caregivers for everything. Ask any mother! In addition to having their physical needs met, babies also need:

• Regular feeding and a nutritious diet
• Love and nurturing
• Safety and security
• Time to rest and play
• A healthy environment (including in the womb) and
• Stimulation

Dos and Don'ts in Your Baby's First 1000 Days

Yeah, there’s lots of pressure on new parents, and we all want to do the best we can. Here are a few things you can do in your baby’s first 1000 days to help give him/her the best start in life:

• Eat a healthy diet while you’re trying to fall pregnant and during your pregnancy. (We know this is sometimes challenging because of our modern, busy lifestyles.)

• Ensure your baby has a healthy diet from day one. Breastfeed if possible for as long as you can. Breast milk provides the perfect nutrition for his/her needs and helps develop a baby’s immune system. Breastfeeding also helps develop the bond between mum and baby.

• Take your baby for regular check-ups as recommended by your doctor or local clinic. Your paediatrician will check on your baby’s growth and other developmental milestones to confirm that he/she is developing within the normal range.

• Once you’re done breastfeeding provide your baby with healthy nutrition and fresh ingredients. Avoid processed foods, foods that are high in sugar or that contain additives or preservatives.

• If you cannot breastfeed for whatever reason, don’t be disappointed or feel guilty. Many kinds of baby formula mimic breastmilk and are just as good. Discuss your options with your healthcare practitioner to see which would be most suitable.

Supplements are Recommended

Be aware though, that eating a healthy diet while you are pregnant may not give you all these nutrients in sufficient quantities. It is recommended that pregnant women take supplements specifically designed for pregnancy. These contain everything necessary for both mum and baby, and in the right amounts.

Hashmats Health’s range of multivitamins and supplements includes HabibaaCare Pregnancy Formula, a complete supplement for baby and mum. Your pregnancy health is our top priority because it influences your and your baby’s health for the rest of your lives

Hashmats Health is a UK Vitamins company that produces the best quality and 100% HMC Halal certified products. The HabibaaCare Pregnancy Formula is a complex formulation of essential nutrients that satisfies the recommended guidelines provided by NHS England and the Department of Health.

Love and Security Matter

Just meeting a baby’s physical needs though, is not enough. They also need to feel secure and loved, which they do when they are communicated with. This can be done by touching and holding them, talking, singing and even reading to them. When they are stimulated and engaged, they are free to express themselves too. Their personalities can develop and we begin to get to know them and their likes, dislikes and quirks.

It is through their relationships that babies learn to think, understand, show emotions and communicate. They learn behaviour by basing their reactions on how we relate to them when they do certain things. Then as they grow older, they learn behaviour by emulating us. So, we’ve got to be on our best behaviour at all times!

So stress is a no-no! If a pregnant mother is unduly stressed or traumatised, this can affect the baby’s nervous system and growth negatively. Even after they are born, they pick up on mum’s emotional state intuitively. Try and limit stressful situations if possible. This will be good for you and your baby..

Enjoy this Miraculous Time

While there’s much to be aware of and ensure you’re doing when you’re pregnant or have an infant, remember to appreciate and enjoy the experience too. This is a very rewarding and special time when the lifelong bond between a child and his/her parents is formed. It’s only natural that you’ll feel overwhelmed sometimes, but don’t let that detract from the overall joy. You’re creating life-long memories and it’s all worth it. 

Hashmats Health donates 2% of its sales revenue to charitable organizations.

HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS®
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS®
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health
halal vitamins HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS® - Hashmats Health

HabibaaCare® Pregnancy Vitamins and Minerals - by HASHMATS®

Pregnancy Formula is HMC Halal Certified, Vegetarian, GMP Approved and Made in the UK
  • COMPREHENSIVE NUTRITION - at all stages from Conception, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
  • VITAMINS AND MINERALS - Vitamin D3 400iu (10mcg) as recommended by the UK Department of Health
  • 23 ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS - to support optimal levels during the Pregnancy Cycle
  • PREGNANCY VITAMINS ARE MADE IN THE UK - Appropriate Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) in relation to the scientific research conducted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)